Winter in Yosemite

There was a little trip planned to go shoot some photos, ride motorcycles and surf but we didn’t have any specific destinations yet. The day before departure we got word that Yosemite was covered in snow and now we had our first destination. It warmed up a bit when we first pulled into the valley and there was a slight drizzle that kept everything wet, but the snowfall the night before still covered most of the valley floor. Seeing the large granite walls with snow cover is quite the sight to see. Stopping near a meadow and looking upwards really makes you feel small. The soft rain/snow mixture falling sounded very calming and relaxing. After a few hours of getting wet we decided to warm up in the Ahwahnee Hotel and drink some hot chocolate next to the giant fireplace they have. Our cabin was just outside the park, just far enough away to not be in the snow. The following day we spent time riding in the surround areas before heading back to the valley to get some more snow time in. There was a light dusting of snow overnight which kept everything looking nice and fresh. It gets dark very early in the middle of winter here so we didn’t have much time. On our way out we saw the clouds were clearing which made for a necessary stop at the Tunnel View look out. The stars came out to play and some moon peaking through lit up valley just enough for a great photo moment. It was a long drive to our next destination, but the sights and sounds of Yosemite stayed in my mind for many days following.

Here are a few film shots from my Hasselblad that I brought along.

1 Comment

  1. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!!!

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