Bordeaux, France

France was not a place I had planned to re visit anytime soon, but when the opportunity came I was happy to go and visit a part of the country I had not been to before. Bordeaux is a very walkable city. There is a great path that follows the river and many people use it for all sorts of activities. The buildings all have a great facade and are very well kept. We walked around a lot and decided to catch the sunset from Pont-de-Pierre, one of the main bridges that goes over the Garonne River. Walking around after sunset it was awesome seeing all the people gathering outside for drinks and dinner. Most of the restaurants had an outside area for seating which embraced the great weather and awesome backdrops of the old buildings. Walking around at night felt like being on a movie backlot and the narrow streets were fun to explore. The Basilica of St. Michael was always looming in the backdrop night and day so we made our way over to it was quite the sight to see up close. This was a fun, quick visit and would be a great place to spend a few more days relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere.

2 Comment

  1. Beautiful photos! Makes me want to visit Bordeaux again…

    1. samsonkhatae says: Reply

      Thank you! It is a very beautiful city.

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