Yellowstone National Park

A few years ago a friend(Greg) and I decided that riding matching police motorcycles across the country would be a great idea. Yes, yes it was a great idea indeed and we made so many memories along the way. One of my most memorable few days was our visit to Yellowstone National Park and its surrounding areas. We made it to Bozeman, Montana and grabbed a two star motel the night before heading into the park since we knew we would be camping the next day and a shower seemed like it was in order. After a little motorcycle maintenance and construction traffic we made it to the Yellowstone and the ranger just informed us it was the first day of the season the campgrounds were open so we were in luck. We got a nice spot in some trees and then immediately headed out into the fairly empty park to take in some sites. There is no motorcycle helmet law in Montana or Wyoming and we felt like we needed to try it out. It definitely is a lot louder and a lot colder, but with the empty park roads it felt somewhat freeing. That night we chatted about where what we should see in the next few days over a Greg special of camp toast and chili dogs.

Morning came much to fast and we packed up to get to one of the scheduled eruptions of Old Faithful. On the way we saw some other thermally active areas and a bison just hanging out very close to the road. At the Old Faithful show every single person was looking through some sort of screen/camera/or taking a selfie….I made it a point to put my camera down a little so I could enjoy it and it was definitely a show. Our route out to our next destination would be some of the most diverse riding of our trip. From rivers, trees, passing the Grand Teton mountain range, going over a 12,000ft snowy mountain pass, through a valley of red rocks, and then some rolling prairie land. I spotted a sign for the worlds largest Jackalope and had to stop to go see this. It was worth the lost time just for the lapel pin I purchased. After eating at a local spot under some giant taxidermy we headed out to ride into one of the most glorious sunsets I’ve ever witnessed. You could see endless rolling hills and the Grand Teton range silhouetted in the distance. We knew we would be riding in a lot of darkness after this, but it was something that you just had to watch and enjoy.

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